
[Hotel & Resorts Ise Shima] Half Lunch Buffet Bistro Sea View

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Half Lunch Buffet Bistro Sea View

We will be holding a half lunch buffet on the following dates.

For this lunch, you can choose one main dish and one dessert, and the side corner will be served as a buffet.

The theme is ``Bistro'', and with flavors from all over France, please spend a time that will make you feel like you have traveled.


 [Schedule] June 6th (Friday) - June 17th (Sunday) Closed June 6st (Tuesday)
 [Time] 11:30-14:30 (last entry 13:30)
 [Venue] Hotel & Resorts Ise Shima
      12th floor sky restaurant "Sea View"

 [Fee] Adults: 3,000 yen on the day, advance ticket 2,700 yen

      Children 3 years old and up to elementary school students

        A: 2,500 yen on the day, advance ticket 2,250 yen

        B 1,000 yen on the day, advance ticket 900 yen 

       You cannot choose the contents of the mini dessert.

 [Others] *The above prices include consumption tax and service charge.
       *Dish contents may change depending on circumstances.
        The equipment, presentation, etc. are for illustration purposes only.
       *Children under 3 years old can only use the buffet.
        There will be no charge.

Enjoy Shima