
Regular holidays for Umihozuki

These are Umihozuki's business days and closed days.
We always try to update the data as soon as possible.
Please call us to confirm opening hours on the day you wish to visit.

Umihozuki is closed in May.

 ■ 2nd (Tuesday) 9th (Tuesday) 16th (Tuesday) 23rd (Tuesday) 30th (Tuesday)
*There are days when the hours are shortened below.

Opening hours

 ■ 9:30 to 16:00  
*There are days when the hours are shortened below.

Notice of temporary closures and shortened business hours due to facility maintenance

 ■ 10th (Wednesday) → Closed all day due to facility maintenance

 ■ 11th (Thursday) → Open from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX

 ■ 12th (Friday) → Open from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX

 ■ 20th (Sat) → Open from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX

 ■ 25th (Thursday) → Open from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX

 ■ 26th (Friday) → Open from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX

 *Changes such as temporary closures and shortened business hours will be updated from time to time.


When a warning is issued or if the experience in bad weather is judged to be dangerous.
Business hours may be shortened or the facility may be temporarily closed without prior notice.

What is Umihozuki?

Regular holidays for Umihozuki

Adventure, discovery, and beach experience!!
Many fresh surprises and impressions...The first step to getting to know the ocean is playing on the shore.
``Umihozuki'' is a facility where you can learn and experience the life, culture, and fishing of Shima's fishing villages.
A tide pool (tidal pool after the tide goes out), which is called a natural mini aquarium, is recreated in a form close to nature.
We want you to experience the fun of being on the shore when the tide goes out, the excitement of catching something with your own hands, and the deliciousness of seafood you've cooked yourself.
With this in mind, Umihozuki, a beach experience facility in Hamajima, Shima City, was born where you can learn and experience fishing.
Whether you're a child going into the ocean for the first time or an old kid general, we're sure everyone will have their own feelings.

Useful links

Enjoy Shima