
Matoya Kaki Terrace Opening and Closing days

These are the business days and closed days of Matoya Kaki Terrace.
We always try to update the data as soon as possible.
Please call us to confirm opening hours on the day you wish to visit.

Business days and holidays of Matoya Kaki Terrace in June

Information about the opening days of Oyster Terrace in June ⠜꙳⋆

It will be irregular, but after the 3rd week
Wednesday is also a regular holiday.
Thank you for your understanding.

When the rainy season begins, rich nutrients from the mountains flow into Matoya Bay.
The oysters will grow plump𓂃𓈒  

Eating oysters packed with nutrients
I’m sure your feelings will be revealed⋆

You can eat on the oyster terrace even if it rains, so please feel free to come ⢀⢄⠜༶✩

Thank you for your continued support of Matoya Kaki Terrace✨


Holiday6, 13-14, 20-21, 27-28
Business day1-5、7-12、15-19、22-26、29-30

Business days and holidays of Matoya Kaki Terrace in June

Business day1-3、5-10、12-17、19-24、26-31

Business days and holidays of Matoya Kaki Terrace in June

Business day1-7, 9-21, 23-28, 30-31

Enjoy Shima