Nakiri Dai-Nenbutsu

Nakiri Dai-Nenbutsu

Due to the typhoon, the date has been changed to August 13th.

814 daysOn the 13th, we will hold ``Nakiri Dai-Nenbutsu''.
This is a traditional Obon ancestor memorial event in the Shima region.
The whole community will line up with umbrellas and hold a memorial service for those who have passed away this year.
After the Great Nembutsu, a Bon dance will also be held.

Bon Odori is held after the Great Nembutsu
Starts from 20pm.

Due to the effects of the typhoon, the Bon Odori after the Great Nembutsu was canceled.


titleNakiri Dai-Nenbutsu
Date and Time814 days13th 18:00-19:30
PlaceNakiri Fish Market
How to readNakiri Dainenbutsu


Nakiri Dai-Nenbutsu
SponsorshipDainenbutsu caretaker association
In cooperation with Unnan City Tourism Association (One company) Jama Terrace
Bon dance
SponsorshipNakiri Neighborhood Association

Enjoy Shima