Isobe course

  • The whole processAbout 23.7km
  • Required TimeApply in approximately

There are many shrines and tourist spots in this area where you can feel the history of Shima City. Learn about the history of the area, such as Izamiya Shrine, where one of Japan's three major rice planting festivals, Isobe no Omita, is held, and Isobe Shrine, which is crowded with children carrying portable shrines on November 11th every year. Enjoy sightseeing and experience the culture. If you're feeling tired after a long journey, please stop by the roadside station "Ise Shima" to take a break or shop for souvenirs.


1.6km / 5 minutes by car

Kintetsu Shimaisobe Station


900m / 3 minutes by car

Izamiya Shrine

Via Prefectural Route 16, Izanoura north side.
This is a separate shrine of Ise Grand Shrine.

Izamiya Shrine


7.6km / 12 minutes by car

Saminaga Shrine

This shrine is under the jurisdiction and affiliation of Izamiya Shrine and is also called ``Horakusha''.

Saminaga Shrine


1.8km / 4 minutes by car

Matoya Oyster Terrace (Sato Farm) Lunch

maritime restaurant

Matoya Kaki Terrace


8km / 12 minutes by car

Matoya Bay Bridge

Via Prefectural Route 61, Iza-no-Uraman side. The contrast between the red bridge, the green of the trees, and the blue of Matoya Bay is beautiful.

Matoya Bay Bridge


3.8km / 7 minutes

Roadside Station Ise Shima

The gateway to Shima City. Souvenirs, horse racing ticket office, tourist farm (only when in bloom)

Roadside Station Ise Shima


Kintetsu Shimaisobe Station

Enjoy Shima