Shima City Painting Town/Daio Art Gallery

Daio-cho, Shima City has a diverse coastline with rough reefs and coves bathed in the setting sun, the white Daiozaki lighthouse, the stone-stairs townscape, and the people who live there, which inspire the creative spirit of people who love painting. It became known as a painting town as many young painters and young art students visited there.
In addition, Hiragaka Mesuke, a Western-style painter who was active in Paris, was born in Katada, Shima-cho, Shima City, and his paintings and art materials that he used during his lifetime remain.
Daio Art Gallery, located in Shima City's painting town, aims to pass on these paintings and mementoes, which are a proud local resource, along with the scenic natural scenery of Shima City, to future generations, and to spread them outside the city. It opened in April 23 for the purpose of disseminating information.

Daio Art Gallery facility information

3F (Permanent Exhibition) Kamisuke Hiraga Memorial Hall


Kamisuke Hiraga (1889-1971), a Western-style painter from Shima City (Katada, Shima Town), was the first Japanese to win a gold medal at Le Salon, an international exhibition with the world's oldest tradition, and was even called an academic. He received high acclaim for his painting style, which faithfully pursued the subject matter. In honor of his achievements, our art gallery exhibits his paintings and favorite items he used during his lifetime.

2F (Special Exhibition) Gallery

Exhibitions are held throughout the year, including special exhibitions by artists with ties to Shima City. It also serves as a venue for presentations of outstanding works from the Daio Grand Prize Exhibition, as well as groups engaged in production activities in the region.


How to read

freeShimaekakinomachi Daiou Bijutsu Gallery 
Shimaekaki Town/Daiou Bijutsu Gallery
RomajiShimaekakinomachi Daioubijutsugyararii
EnglishShima painters town: Daio Art Gallery


517-0603 Nakiri, Daio-cho, Shima-shi, Mie 3234-2 (includes Daio Branch)
Opening hours
9:5 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (last entry at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.)

*There may be a charge for the exhibition room on the 2nd floor depending on the content of the project (rental).
Reservation link
Closing days
Tuesdays and Wednesdays (open on holidays), year-end and New Year holidays (December 12th to January 28th)
12 stand
Public transport
From Kintetsu "Ugata Station", take the Mie Kotsu bus bound for "Gozako" and get off at "Daio Shisho-mae" bus stop.

Take National Route 260 towards Goza/Daio. Turn right at the Daiozaki entrance intersection, turn left at the second traffic light, follow the road for 2m, and turn left. Car navigation is available at 400-0599-72.
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Enjoy Shima